Oct 16, 2017
Many years ago, in a happier time, my wife and I visited Charles Schulz, his wife Jeannie and some friends in Santa Rosa for dinner. It...

Oct 12, 2017
You Have The Right To Remain Silent
This is what I didn’t like about working in the corporate world. If you’re getting a fat paycheck, you are expected to take some abuse...

Oct 10, 2017
Harvey Weinstein Career
1979-2017 RIP

Oct 6, 2017
Reach For The Sky
If the NRA is willing to talk about bump stocks, then the times may have changed enough to push for stronger gun control laws. Is it...

Oct 3, 2017
News Blackout
I can’t watch the news right now. Every mass killing is handled the same way. Hand-wringing, mutterings of “thoughts and prayers” and a...