Feb 26, 2018
Focus, Everybody
1. Focus on the NRA and boycotting any business that they are involved with. Go to the NRA website and find out when and where their...

Feb 23, 2018
I've heard more common sense adult wisdom coming from the mouths of teens in the past week than I'd heard since, well...I was a teenager....

Feb 19, 2018
Knowing teenagers as I do, their energy and devotion to getting what they want could be a significant factor in enacting sane gun control...

Feb 15, 2018
Time's Up
There is reporting from a variety of sources that Russia funneled money to Republicans using the National Rifle Association. This from...

Oct 6, 2017
Reach For The Sky
If the NRA is willing to talk about bump stocks, then the times may have changed enough to push for stronger gun control laws. Is it...