- Mar 21, 2018
Body Snatchers
Forty percent. Almost half the country thinks that trump is doing a good job. Who are these people? They're our family, friends,...
- Mar 19, 2018
Porn Storm
Having done extensive photographic and literary research on Stormy Daniels, aka Stephanie Clifford, aka MILF No. 1, aka trump concubine...
- Mar 14, 2018
- Mar 13, 2018
Limp Members
In 2016 when I saw that the end of the Republican Party (1854-2018ish) was upon us, I quickly saw that in order for the GOP to die, it...
- Mar 9, 2018
One Dis Deserves Another
I don't usually do a cartoon about the White House spokesperson, whoever it might be, but Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been so completely...